Problem booting my new computer

When I power up my computer it does not make that little beep to indicate the motherboard has started, and neither does it make the power and hard drive use lights show up on the front. I usually have to turn the PC off, and then unplug my USB cables at the back, before I turn it on again.

I think I may be having a problem with USBs short-circuiting the motherboard, especially seeing as one is gold-plated. Should I just continue having my USBS unplugged until I hear the beep, or is there another problem??


Prolific Poster
I dont know, maybe a long shot, but do you have anything plugged into the other end of the usb? for example a hard drive? If so it may be trying to boot from it? although this shouldnt stop the diagnostic beep. Try going into the bios and looking at the boot sequence. As I said though its a bit of a longshot.


Member Resting in Peace
If the PC is booting up ok with USB devices unplugged,
try connecting them one at a time to isolate the problem.
I am only using a standard keyboard and a Razer Naga, unless the Naga has some form of internal memory I don't think that is the problem. I just realised that this is in the wrong forum too, i'm going to repost it in the tech support thing.

I am going to try that next time i have to boot it, I would rather avoid shutting down and re-booting is possible.