The New Xbox. XBOX ONE

Chris M

I seem to be the only person who was quite impressed with the presentation... ?
I didn't like the design of the console as it does look like a old VHS player although am pretty sure Microsoft feel the same way and want us to feel that way too so that 6 months later when they bring out a newer design in the shape of a mini version everyone will want to give them more money because it looks better. But aside from that I thought it was good, they had all the big games and seemed to have a lot of exclusives such as the ultimate team in Fifa and map packs first on call of duty that is pretty big too be fair...
I have never owned an Xbox always gone for PlayStation in the past but I was impressed. I wish PS4 would of shown more of what it can do...


Prolific Poster
I've always been a big xbox fan, having owned each xbox and PS down the line I always favoured the xbox and if we were stuck for cash we'd sell the PS equivalent. I still enjoy playing on my 360 now, a lot of my friends are still on it and I feel like I can just laze around on it and not really have to concentrate compared to my PC.

I didn't see the conference but all this stuff sounds quite disappointing. My key arguments for the PC vs Console debate was "PC's are trying to run a lot more than just a game i.e. Operating System, background tasks, etc... Consoles are built for gaming and games are built around their hardware". I don't really feel like I can say that any more, it may have found a way to integrate all of these added features really well but realistically, if I want to do something like Social media, web browsing, watching videos, I'm going to do it on my PC or my Chromebook... Not using my controller.

Drunken Monkey

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Well-known member
I've always been a big xbox fan, having owned each xbox and PS down the line I always favoured the xbox and if we were stuck for cash we'd sell the PS equivalent. I still enjoy playing on my 360 now, a lot of my friends are still on it and I feel like I can just laze around on it and not really have to concentrate compared to my PC.

I didn't see the conference but all this stuff sounds quite disappointing. My key arguments for the PC vs Console debate was "PC's are trying to run a lot more than just a game i.e. Operating System, background tasks, etc... Consoles are built for gaming and games are built around their hardware". I don't really feel like I can say that any more, it may have found a way to integrate all of these added features really well but realistically, if I want to do something like Social media, web browsing, watching videos, I'm going to do it on my PC or my Chromebook... Not using my controller.


I hate the forced Kinect stuff, I don't want to wave at my TV or talk to it. I don't want to be playing Halo 9 and forget to put my headset on and have some troll say "XBOX OFF" and my Kinect hear it and shut down my console. I wonder how they are going to get around that problem, maybe the kinect won't work with online multi player games.

I am starting to feel glad I bought a PC, I like the look of the PS4 the most but I won't be in a rush to buy one, once there are a glut of games out in a year and a half and the price drops, that's probably the best time to jump in!


Prolific Poster

I hate the forced Kinect stuff, I don't want to wave at my TV or talk to it. I don't want to be playing Halo 9 and forget to put my headset on and have some troll say "XBOX OFF" and my Kinect hear it and shut down my console. I wonder how they are going to get around that problem, maybe the kinect won't work with online multi player games.

I am starting to feel glad I bought a PC, I like the look of the PS4 the most but I won't be in a rush to buy one, once there are a glut of games out in a year and a half and the price drops, that's probably the best time to jump in!

I had Kinect on my xbox and although I'm sure they've improved it a lot, it never really caught on for me. It was good for if you had a few consolephobic people round as you could do silly things like bowling and stuff but it was never great from a long term point of view. I'm fairly sure you could use the kinect mic for online use as my dad used to use it sometimes while I'd be on mine upstairs and he'd be downstairs on his. Surely they'd have some way of picking up if something was an actual voice they were picking up or whether it was something coming from the xbox! Otherwise you'd be watching a film and it'd be doing allsorts without you wanting it to! ;D

I do love my PC but I've spoken to a few people now and it is quite a lonely business. I barely play with other people as my friends list is full of people playing on all kinds of things whereas if I boot up my xbox, I'm likely to see a list of people all on blops 2 or something. It does seem to be quite difficult to just jump onto your PC and get in a game with a group of mates, especially if the game doesn't support in-game voice or something. I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong!


I had Kinect on my xbox and although I'm sure they've improved it a lot, it never really caught on for me. It was good for if you had a few consolephobic people round as you could do silly things like bowling and stuff but it was never great from a long term point of view. I'm fairly sure you could use the kinect mic for online use as my dad used to use it sometimes while I'd be on mine upstairs and he'd be downstairs on his. Surely they'd have some way of picking up if something was an actual voice they were picking up or whether it was something coming from the xbox! Otherwise you'd be watching a film and it'd be doing allsorts without you wanting it to! ;D

I do love my PC but I've spoken to a few people now and it is quite a lonely business. I barely play with other people as my friends list is full of people playing on all kinds of things whereas if I boot up my xbox, I'm likely to see a list of people all on blops 2 or something. It does seem to be quite difficult to just jump onto your PC and get in a game with a group of mates, especially if the game doesn't support in-game voice or something. I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong!

I never liked the Kinect, it was designed for an American house where their lounge is a mile/sqrd - In my flat I don't even have room for a single person to play on the Kinect let alone two, even with the zoom add-on I can't fit 2 people on the kinect.

And PC wise, maybe you are doing something wrong, my group of friends always move from one game ot another together, apart from the odd days when they all fancy something else we tend to just float around the games together, from WoW, SW:TOR, Defiance, GW2, League of Legends and the odd days we decide to play Civ5 or Borderlands 2 or something. We also have a Teamspeak server so just just all go on there and decide what we are going to do.


Well-known member
I had Kinect on my xbox and although I'm sure they've improved it a lot, it never really caught on for me. It was good for if you had a few consolephobic people round as you could do silly things like bowling and stuff but it was never great from a long term point of view. I'm fairly sure you could use the kinect mic for online use as my dad used to use it sometimes while I'd be on mine upstairs and he'd be downstairs on his. Surely they'd have some way of picking up if something was an actual voice they were picking up or whether it was something coming from the xbox! Otherwise you'd be watching a film and it'd be doing allsorts without you wanting it to! ;D

I do love my PC but I've spoken to a few people now and it is quite a lonely business. I barely play with other people as my friends list is full of people playing on all kinds of things whereas if I boot up my xbox, I'm likely to see a list of people all on blops 2 or something. It does seem to be quite difficult to just jump onto your PC and get in a game with a group of mates, especially if the game doesn't support in-game voice or something. I don't know, maybe I'm doing something wrong!

None of my real life friends are really gamers, on my PS3 I have loads of friends I met playing SOCOM on PS2. But since those days I pretty much have to make new friends in what ever game I move to due to the lack of real life gaming friends. At first my steam account was pretty lonely, I still don't actually have a headset either so that doesn't help but over time I have managed to meet a few decent people but again I started playing League Of Legends and had to start again on the friends front.

So I can agree about the PC gaming feeling lonely sometimes but for me so does gaming on a console, I actually feel better on the PC because I can tab out and chat to people while gaming, I can have steam chats or other in game chats open and type to people even when I don't have a headset. If I am playing on my console I am playing with the guys in the game and thats it.

About the Kinect, people were reporting that when watching on Xbox360 the presentation yesterday the Kinect was reacting to the guys commands and pausing the stream and turning off their xboxes haha


Prolific Poster
About the Kinect, people were reporting that when watching on Xbox360 the presentation yesterday the Kinect was reacting to the guys commands and pausing the stream and turning off their xboxes haha

That's brilliant!

And I get where your coming from, I'm similar except my real life friends are all console gamers. I have a few guys at work with rigs who play things like GW2 and WoW but surprisingly their social skills are so bad that they're not really friend-makers. Plus I've taken a break from the whole MMO scene and tend to just play fps's and single player games at the moment. I haven't really had much time to play lately anyway which could be the case but things have freed up a bit now so I'll probably be able to put in more game-time and join up with people more often (like I know a few of the guys play Planetside2 together every Friday, etc).

It's just a shame, I bought a pc because all my mates had given up on their xbox's and were doing "grown up" things like sitting in Mcdonalds car park so I figured I wouldn't mind a bit of individual gaming on a super duper pc. Now they're all back on their xbox's and everytime I go back on to play fifa I get invites even though I don't have my live subscription anymore. Pain in the bum -.-

Tis the only reason I'm tempted by the new xbox really... But in terms of what seems to look more impressive from a hardware and future route perspective, I'd have to say the PS4 has looked better up till now. Yes, we all thought it was ridiculous how focused they were on their amazing ram and that's all they talked about, but after hearing about the xbox unveiling I'd rather they spoke about ram than how good Kinect is going to be this time round! I don't feel like jumping around after 9 hours at work and the only time I found it worked well was in Forza 4 when I could navigate the menu's really quickly using voice commands so I could skip out 4 or 5 menu screens and go straight to upgrades and stuff.

I shouldn't be so negative, watch films like Gamer and stuff and all of these kinect features/oculus rift, etc are the future we've all been waiting for. Now we all just need holographic PC's + keyboards like Iron man.


Well-known member
I bought a PC for much the same reasons as you, my best mate bought a PC at the same time as me but has had that many problems with it he's got a refund now so he doesn't even have a PC any more, just me with one.

I also gave up on MMO's, I really love the genre and the meeting people and cooperating in those games but it was getting so stale I couldn't stick around in any game at all. I am now waiting for that AMAZING MMO that will probably never come out to get me back in to those games and stop buying everything that goes on sale on steam.

Now that I have a PC I find it really hard to even bother switching my PS3 on, I am sure I will buy one of the new consoles though but I really want to hold off so that in 9 months time i've not went back to just consoles and my PC is gathering dust.


Biblical Poster
Highlights for those interested:


Honestly this feels like Microsoft is trying to please to many different groups with this product. They want to have a gaming machine coupled with a home entertainment system joined with a streaming tv service.

Microsoft even stated that the net TV streaming service will only be available to U.S residents at launch and will be released "sometime" later, so once again we are second rate consumers for microsoft outside of the U.S. This coupled with the fact that once again they expect us to pay for the online service rumoured to be $14 per month?!

When I buy a GAMES console I want just a GAMES console and nothing else, so even though up untill now I have always owned an Xbox for 5 years with 2 RROD and I am now on my second one I will be moving to the PS4 on launch.

Sorry Microsoft I dont want to dance and wave my hands around and shout to control my devices, if I want to do that I would ask the misses to change the channel like back in the olden days.

My two cents, Jay


The playstation always comes with something useful. I remember having to buy a HDDVD player addon for the Xbox when the ps3 came with a Bluray player built in.

Mostly though I play pc games and generally they are mmos. I was optimistic about the 1st pc/ps3 crossover game that was released.... DC universe online but I guess it failed because when I checked a few months (maybe a year) after I bought the game it ha seperate servers for pc and ps3.


Superhero Level Poster
What gpu has it got?

Mr friend (who wants to remain anonymous, but lets just call him Mr. Setag) has it under good authority that the Xbox One will be powered by a single Titan (with the goal of twin Titans in SLI down the road).

True story...


Bright Spark
Mr friend (who wants to remain anonymous, but lets just call him Mr. Setag) has it under good authority that the Xbox One will be powered by a single Titan (with the goal of twin Titans in SLI down the road).

True story...

Can I be friends with Mr Setag?

Mr. Setag.jpg


Prolific Poster
lol... really? that doesnt sound very powerful....

ps ded, cool story bro...

I think the CPU and GPU will be customised like crazy so it'll barely be recognisable to a similar gpu. As far as I've heard it's going to be an integrated card but I could be wrong.

The GPU isn't the most important thing in a console, it's clearly the Ram duh.


Life Serving
I think the CPU and GPU will be customised like crazy so it'll barely be recognisable to a similar gpu. As far as I've heard it's going to be an integrated card but I could be wrong.

The GPU isn't the most important thing in a console, it's clearly the Ram duh.

lol... i guess most of the ram and the cpu cores will be used running background crap. maybe 4 cores abd 4 gigs on a game, the rest running junk/whatever else is running in the background... I dunno i m just guessing...