Battlefield 3. 'nuff said.


Bronze Level Poster
is it possible to have a game's babies?



with this and everything else coming out this year, is anyone surprised i bought a new PC? :D


Super Star
As much as I truley love Battlefield series (And very happy there continuing the original Battlefield (Bad Company uses Battlefields name to help sell)) I am worried this is going to be much like Medal of Honor, and not much like BF.....
Alas - It doesn't stop me being excited as hell for the BETA!


Prolific Poster
From what i've seen it looks like it's going to be released on the 31st of December so basically 2012 o_O


Looks stunning.

However I wonder if they can catch the epicness of the previous two installments. I believe they are using an updated frostbite 2 engine (Bad company 2) so with the huge amount of detail on show can they still implement the huge Maps/Levels the previous games had?

either way, looking forward to this one!



Super Star
Yeah, I saw something yesterday about it having the Frostbite 2 engine, which im disapointed about, dont get me wrong, I loved Bad Company 2, but it's going to make it feel alot more like Bad Company, and less like Battlefield :(


Kalisnoir, thats what im fearing aswell But recently I did read on that there may be jets on some maps (not 100% sure though) that being the case there must be some considerable room for them to turn and make runs.

One can only hope



Bronze Level Poster
tbh, 2142 was were it started going downhill when they got rid of jets...

(...although the Titans did soften the blow with their awesomeness)

Evil Tactician

Gold Level Poster
Someone here have money spare and want to donate say, 250k to a Million? I need to seriously free up some spare time to focus on gaming to get through the influx of good titles that are being released.

Bah. Battlefield 3 is going to be great as well :-/


Author Level

Forget Crysis 2, its all about this now.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, that was a WASD prompt.



Forget Crysis 2, its all about this now.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, that was a WASD prompt.

that looks awsommmmm!!

Is this Battle field bad company 3 or its just Battlefield 3? Ive never played any of theese battle field games by EA. Thinking i should have got BBFC2 instead of COD:Blackops


Think I'll be making some upgrades near to release dates, Q6600 & HD5850 just wouldn't do it justice :p


Bright Spark
Looks awesome ....damn the need for constant hardware advancement; and your temporary addiction removers PCS. :smartass:


Author Level

oh god oh god oh god
