Best PC game of all time?


Bright Spark
System Shock 2.
Wasnt that a scary game?
Doom (wow it's in 3d AND you can play with other folk! Unheard of! Great shareware).
I remember loading Doom onto 4 university PCs (The only location with networked PCs)
We were hooting and hallerin while the rest of the room full of people were trying to study LOL

D U N E - both the adventure and the C&C forebear.
Tank rush or sandbag technique?


Bronze Level Poster
If i remember correctly Civ and the Mechwarrior series took up most of my youth lol and before that Elite.

Nearly forgot, Warzone 2100. Still fire it up occasionally as it's now open source
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Evil Tactician

Gold Level Poster
Mechwarrior 2 was one of the most awesome 'mech experiences' one could find. To date there has not yet been an adequate replacement.


Silver Level Poster
i have to say ffiv gtavc and super mario galaxy 2 and super mario sunshine and grim fantago very good games should make remake and online


Silver Level Poster
Outright best game for me is and (probably) always will be Baldur's Gate 2

Others worth a mention:
Mass Effect 1 & 2
Half-Life 2
Borderlands (4 player multiplayer with some mates + some beers is epic)
Football Manager series (2010 atm)
Left4Dead 2
GTA IV (especially multiplayer with afforementioned mates & beers)


Bronze Level Poster
yay, another Warzone/ elite fan. So i'm not the only dinosaur on here. I take it you also remember before most people had any sort of computer at home? Please say yes or i will really feel old lol


I remember those days. I was quite young when we didn't have a computer. The first one we ever got was a Spectrum ZX84. I miss the days of a game taking so long to load, and having to restart if you knocked it at all.


Bright Spark
Spectrum 48K - Way of the exploding fist! Hungry Horace, Horace Goes Skiing, Chequered Flag, Green Beret...

I got Outrun as well and on the b side was the music from the arcade game, presumably to play while you are playing the game for that arcade experience!


Bronze Level Poster
Old games, yeah Elite was great for its time (A bit like the Space Stage in Spore), although docking your ship was fun until you could afford the 'auto' dock feature! And on the speccy, Manic Miner was a platform players dream. The gameplay of some of the oldies were classic. But I dont miss the sitting there for 20 mins only for the cassette to not load because it had a speck of fluff on the rubber 'wheels'. Youngsters dont know how lucky they are. Or are they?