Stock Problem???


Hi All,

New to this forum, so I'm sorry for starting on a negative edge.

I ordered my PC on the 2nd April 2012. This is for a high spec PC. I have used PC Specialist in the past and have had no problem. A Happy customer.

However, I am now nearly 1 month since I ordered and my PC has still not even been built. (Pre-Production as my status says).

I have contacted a number of times. On the 19th April I was told they were waiting for a 240Gb SSD to complete my order.
I got back in touch and said I would swap the Intel Drive for another make. I was told that they had no SDD of any make ans would be getting them 'any day now'

This was nearly 2 weeks ago and still nothing, no updates to me, no built PC.

I would think that a high regards comapny such as PC Specialist would be able to get hold of stock.

All I want is my PC to be built.

I also fell slightly frustrated that if I had not been in touch I would never have been told the problem, and would just be waiting (as I'am anyway).


Hi. Unfortunately it is not the ssd's we are wating for we have plenty of these in all sizes. However the part that is holding up your order s the gtx 680. Same for everyone im afraid. It is highly constrained. It is incredibly popular, new and as with most high end new stuff there is limited supply. Very few coming into the uk, which have to go round all companies and system builders. Its a case of waiting, changing your gpu choice or cancelling im afraid.


Ordered pc couple days ago. So no issue for me, but obviously been browsing forums, having a nose see what's what and came across this thread, and thought i'll add my two-pence.

The order status could be used better both for parties. For example:

I assume, there is some system to log which stock has gone to which pc, for a future development, this could be shown on the view order. (i.e either, stock allocated, awaiting stock, -- long delays, awaiting stock -- 2days). With using the facility to amend order, showing current stock levels of parts and/or lead in times for parts.

The facility when making the order is amazing... your power usage is lower than the selected power supply can save yourself money by selecting lower W PSU and Monitors come with DVI cables, so you don't need to order the DVI cables. Which obviously saves me money, and potentially cost yourself's $$$. However, the 'word of mouth' this generates, talking to people.... "they told me I was ordering parts, I didn't need... who does what an amazing company".

To 'seal' the deal, the same transparancy in the production, would undoubtfully, give pcspecialist one of, if not the greatest customer experience and level of trust generated on the internet.
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Bronze Level Poster
I have ordered the same graphics card 2 days ago and was not told of the issue of there being limted supply in the country etc... but surely a product like this would create a lot demand and PCS should have known beforehand in order to ensure that enough stock was available to satisfy the demand, or perhaps it would have been an idea to add a small note next to the graphics card where it is selected saying ' limited supply ' please consider another graphics card or accept a delay in production of your pc etc...

But fingers crossed it wont become a major issue and I will get my pc delivered on time and with a GTX 680 card installed :)



Active member
My pc is now going into 10 working days pre production , what concerns me is in other posts im seeing people say that certain items are not in stock but im not being told about this and if I were I could maybe choose another option to help get my order moving.


Life Serving
If you are worried or concerned about ya pc, it's better to give them a call and get a direct answer, yeah it would be great to get a phone call if a product is out of stock, but at the end of the day this would take away manpower from actually building the pc's, therefore you would then have to wait longer.

Just give them a quick call when the phonelines are quiet.


Active member
If you are worried or concerned about ya pc, it's better to give them a call and get a direct answer, yeah it would be great to get a phone call if a product is out of stock, but at the end of the day this would take away manpower from actually building the pc's, therefore you would then have to wait longer.

Just give them a quick call when the phonelines are quiet.

I think this is part of the problem I did call yesterday to ask if there was any hold up's and was told at this moment in time there is a 15 day turnaround and that they didnt "think" there was any problem with my order, yet I read here other people have been told that they are awaiting stock some of which is in my order, I notice that my graphics card can't even be selected in a new order anymore. All im saying is a bit of transparency would help so I knew if they were either just snowed under or if they were awaiting certain stock that was in short supply and if that was the case I could maybe alter my order to help out, maybe even a quick sticky post here to let everyone know if and what stocks being waited on would help ease people. Im a bit worried and ive been waiting for 2 weeks I feel for the poor guys who have waited a month.
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Life Serving
I'm not 100% certain how a pcs's stock system works, (as i dont work for them) but I'm sure that when you order, security checked are placed, once that's complete, then ya order goes into a list orders and works its way up, in the mean time, items that are then required are ordered in. it's likely that your items may have been allocated but as they are extremely busy at the moment it takes time.

One problem I can think with having a thread for out of stock is that, items for your build may be there waiting ready to build, items for joe bloggs build who ordered after you may not be in.


Member Resting in Peace
All im saying is a bit of transparency would help so I knew if they were either just snowed under or if they were awaiting certain stock that was in short supply and if that was the case I could maybe alter my order to help out, maybe even a quick sticky post here to let everyone know if and what stocks being waited on would help ease people.
Good idea,Knowing PCS I'm sure they are working hard to improve the situation.
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New member
PCS have been really good in keeping me informed about GTX 680 stock, get an email almost everyday with an ETA for the card. (Although the ETA has changed several times xD).


Seems very good that PCS are keeping you informed about the GTX 680 stock tokeniko, its just a shame there not doing it with me. Unless I contact them I have been completely left in the dark.
Even now I still don't know what is going on. What's current situation with the GTX 680, is it in stock or not? if not, when is it expected?
I've read a few different posts on these boards, some saying there in, then there not. Its all very confusing. 24th day Pre-production my status says and still nothing.


Since 30th order tracking has shown waiting for power supply.
No longer waiting for GTX680.Great.
As nothing had happened did a custom build on the site with the same power unit and 3 day delivery, order accepted as no problem.
Rang Friday 4th to query why it was showing as awaiting supply or changing power supply to whatever they had in stock.
Told me their screen showed still awaiting GTX680 and now for the first time the processor.
'Ang on, says I, as of the 30th the only thing waiting was the power supply?

They checked "downstairs" and came back that the H750 had just arrived and build would now start.
Whoever said patience was a virtue, meant it's a necessity :wacko:
Perhaps the PC in pcspecialist stands for Permanently Chaotic.

Unfair, and when I get my new machine I'm sure , like all those testimonials would seem to indicate , I must just be one of the few unlucky ones.


This may sound a bit silly Captcha, but you have stated that 'order tracking has shown waiting for power supply'. How do you do this order tracking to see if things are in stock or not??

When I go into my order status I just have a list of my PC spec I've ordered?? Am I missing something??


People, please all calm down. I posted earlier in this thread explaining that the gtx 680 is in world wide constraint (you may have missed this Mutant04 as you seem not to know what is going on). If you have ordered one then you will simply be in a queue and you will be waiting your turn until the gpu for your order turns up. There is no eta, we have orders on directly with the manufacturers , and also the distributors in the uk who also get stock. We could get 50 next week or none for a month. Blame poor yeilds on 28nm parts from tsmc(taiwan semiconductor). There it is. There is nothing else to know, everyone who has ordered a gtx 680 is as up to date as we are.

Captcha, not sure what is unfair, and also not sure what you consider permanently chaotic. Your even predicting that your pc wont work, not quite sure where your coming from to be hoenst.


People, please all calm down. I posted earlier in this thread explaining that the gtx 680 is in world wide constraint (you may have missed this Mutant04 as you seem not to know what is going on). If you have ordered one then you will simply be in a queue and you will be waiting your turn until the gpu for your order turns up. There is no eta, we have orders on directly with the manufacturers , and also the distributors in the uk who also get stock. We could get 50 next week or none for a month. Blame poor yeilds on 28nm parts from tsmc(taiwan semiconductor). There it is. There is nothing else to know, everyone who has ordered a gtx 680 is as up to date as we are.

Captcha, not sure what is unfair, and also not sure what you consider permanently chaotic. Your even predicting that your pc wont work, not quite sure where your coming from to be hoenst.

Right,I agree let's all calm down.
The problems at the moment are not the fault of the customers.
We all pay up front and it is pcspecialists part of the contract that having taken our money they will then do their best to fulfil their part by supplying us paying customers with the parts that we have already paid for.
There appears to be a problem where the order tracking system is inaccurate or at least misleading.
Mutant04 , when I select my order it states that my order is complete except for my power supply- H750 which is waiting.
If you then do a Customer build order and chose the item that is apparently not in stock, and chose 3 or 5 day build ,and it confirms that this can be done, then you have done your own stock check, and confirmed that those items are available.
When I said unfair, I meant that describing pcspecialist as Permantley Chaotic Specialist may not be fair in the sense that although it obviously describes them at the moment as far as accurate information supplied to us customers is concerned, this may well be an abnormal situation in so far as so many of the testimonials would seem to suggest that pcspecialist is in fact top class in communicating accurate information to it's paying customers.
Having paid over £3000 a month ago , I fully expect my new pc to work fantastically, when I get it, and knowing that pcspecialist thoroughly test it before delivery, I'm confident that there will be no problems whatsoever with pcspecialist's custom built computer.


Right,I agree let's all calm down.
The problems at the moment are not the fault of the customers.
We all pay up front and it is pcspecialists part of the contract that having taken our money they will then do their best to fulfil their part by supplying us paying customers with the parts that we have already paid for.
There appears to be a problem where the order tracking system is inaccurate or at least misleading.
Mutant04 , when I select my order it states that my order is complete except for my power supply- H750 which is waiting.
If you then do a Customer build order and chose the item that is apparently not in stock, and chose 3 or 5 day build ,and it confirms that this can be done, then you have done your own stock check, and confirmed that those items are available.
When I said unfair, I meant that describing pcspecialist as Permantley Chaotic Specialist may not be fair in the sense that although it obviously describes them at the moment as far as accurate information supplied to us customers is concerned, this may well be an abnormal situation in so far as so many of the testimonials would seem to suggest that pcspecialist is in fact top class in communicating accurate information to it's paying customers.
Having paid over £3000 a month ago , I fully expect my new pc to work fantastically, when I get it, and knowing that pcspecialist thoroughly test it before delivery, I'm confident that there will be no problems whatsoever with pcspecialist's custom built computer.

Totaly agree with you captcha .

I will like to now how many people waiting for gxt 680 becouse iam one of then .
But be honnest i will never get this information becouse pcs dont wants loose they reputation.
In company like pcs i wonder there must be like 200 customers waiting and if iam on end when i can get my new pc with card ? In 2-3 month ?


Active member
People, please all calm down. I posted earlier in this thread explaining that the gtx 680 is in world wide constraint (you may have missed this Mutant04 as you seem not to know what is going on). If you have ordered one then you will simply be in a queue and you will be waiting your turn until the gpu for your order turns up. There is no eta, we have orders on directly with the manufacturers , and also the distributors in the uk who also get stock. We could get 50 next week or none for a month. Blame poor yeilds on 28nm parts from tsmc(taiwan semiconductor). There it is. There is nothing else to know, everyone who has ordered a gtx 680 is as up to date as we are.

Captcha, not sure what is unfair, and also not sure what you consider permanently chaotic. Your even predicting that your pc wont work, not quite sure where your coming from to be hoenst.

Maybe you's should put that there is a delay on the gtx 680, considering i am waiting on this part and have in no way been informed until i happened to stumble on this thread. An email about it would of been nice at least


Bronze Level Poster
Having seen a post over at a competitors site showing images of a large stack of 690, 680 and 670 graphics card that have been delivered this week it would be very easy to push the !!PANIC!! button and start to criticise and complain about the delay in supply of the nvidia cards at PCS.

But I think we need to give PCS time to focus on the issue and resolve it as soon as possible, I am sure they are doing their utmost to satisfy all of the orders for the cards and the issue will become just a talking point in a couple of months time.

I do think however that they could improve the commuication between PCS and the customers that have ordered one of the above cards to give them an accurate install/build/delivery time which would put customers mind at ease and improve relations.

As I work in a customer retail environment I know that giving customers negative information about products in their order is better than giving them no information at all. I have found that being honest about product situations instead of making up excuses and lies wins everytime in the mind of the customer.

I have ordered a 680 card and when I check the status of my order it shows that it is in 'working day 8' of the process. This tells me nothing really apart from the fact that PCS have received my order and that they know what spec i would like.
When I ordered the pc I knew that it would take between 7 and 28 days to be delivered and that is the reason why I am not panicing about the situation.

I would like to have more information and detail regarding my order to satisfy my frustration and hunger to get the thing home and play the hell out of it, so maybe if the updates would contain better relevant information I would be very satisfied.


The updates could look something like:-

Red Priority Status Products:-

nVidia GTX 680 graphics card out of stock, new stock being delivered to PCS on 18/05/12

Amber Priority Status Products:-

Intel 240gb SSD HDD, stock due in to PCS on 12/05/12

Green Priority Status Products:-

All other items including case, sound card, tv card, ram, cooling devices and processor ready to be assembled.


Now that kind of communication would be excellent to me because it is honest, accurate and up to date. Even if there is a delay because a product is out of stock I have the information when it will be in stock so that I can prepare for a possible delay, but the important thing is that I have the information as well as PCS.

That kind of customer service would be fantastic but would require someone to input the information and send it to everyone that has a pc on order from PCS which would lead to someone being employed which could affect the cost of the pc I have ordered because of the staff costs involved.

So maybe it's best to sit tight, wait and be patient about the issue rather than get stressed about something that I can do nothing about.

It is hard to play the waiting game though after parting with my money :(

Fingers crossed....



Active member
Someone posted in another thread they fast tracked there order which had the gtx 680 in it and recieved it yesterday i think it was, so surely they must have some in stock and are infact just giving it to people that would make them more money.


Bronze Level Poster
Had a phonecall from PCSpecialist on Tuesday, informing me of the shortage of 680 stock, and that I could upgrade to the 4GB version of the card (2GB version is the one listed) for some extra pennies. I pondered it... who needs 4GB on a GPU (I wasn't even aware such things existed...), but anxious to get my order in building, agreed to it. I was informed that the 4GB versions were in stock, though not officially on retail for the website yet, and that once had paid (and I did so within minutes of the phonecall) I was assured my rig would go into building that day. So I logged in and saw the order amendment, and paid up, of course.

Account still says in 'Pre-Production' at this point however, I sent off an email through the account options, asking why it hasn't been updated when I was informed it would be.

And now I'm starting to wonder if the whole phonecall was a bit dodgy... if I just imagined it or something went astray... anyone else had a mystery phonecall describing the above?
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