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  1. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Upcoming games

    As I'm finishing the second Ori game, I started to look if Moon Studio has created a new game. And yes, it's No rest for the wicked and it's coming out in April \o/ It look really nice, I really hope something good from them ^^
  2. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Awesome youtube video

    Hi, So, I didn't know where to put this video I saw some minutes ago. I find it amazing, it was an experience i'd say. I hope you'll find as amazing as i did. Enjoy edit : feel free to post video you find awesome and want to share here ^^
  3. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Question about dell monitor value

    Hello, Sorry to bother you with this, but it turns out that I have a coupon for dell product. And as I'm not sure about the storage solution (ssd or usb drive), i'm looking for a monitor, not to big as I don't have much space on my desk. So, what do you think about dell monitor ? It will be use...
  4. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Two years ago, I got lost here

    Hello hello, Two years (and one day) ago, a friend of mine advise me to come to PCS to buy a new laptop, so i came to this forum, looked for a good choice and almost buy the octane 6 (if i'm not wrong). But the same friend that advise me to buy from PCS told me to wait a little as new cpu and...
  5. Tron1982


    I wish you, dear british, the best for this dark period May Elizabeth rest in peace As the french said before 1789, "the King is dead, long live the King" I hope that this thread is not too soon or misplaced Best wishes from a french neighbour
  6. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Star Wars Eclipse

    Okay, i'm hyped Like, a lot ! Please be good, please be good, please be good ... (and i'm a little bit proud, as the game is developped by a french small game developper you may know, Quantic Dream :D)
  7. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Could you please check this spec' please ?

    Hellow ! First, please accept the mandatory apologies for the english mistakes ^^" Then, after a spec check for a friend, and me, now, i'm asking your help for my first sister (and be aware that i'll ask you the same for my other sister in the next month - because she don't have the same needs...
  8. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST 17" Recoil with 3080 and i7-11700k review

    Sooooo, after a pair of messages about my feeling about the 17” recoil (clevo chassis number X170KM-G) and a promise I made to myself to write a review, here I come … (I’ll join some picture when I can) First thing first, please, accept my apologies for my “mandatory” English mistakes ^^” (we...
  9. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Laptop specs advice

    Hello hello, (as the text is longer than usual, if i do some mistake, all my apologies) So, as I said somewhere else (many time i think :D ), i have to change my laptop (did i told you that i really really want to play mass effect and i was frustrated yesterday ? :D) Anyway, so, i would like...
  10. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Help needed - checking gaming laptop spec

    Hello (first of all, as usual, my apologies if i do some english mistakes) So, i'm asking again for your help to check a laptop spec for a friend of mine because his is dying The laptop will be used for gaming (not sure about the latest game, but some that came out last year) with a good...
  11. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Could you please check this spec

    (As usual, please be kind enough to excuse any english mistakes i could do) Hello, So, as i just asked to pcs this morning, there is no amd 17" laptop that will be done in the near futur by pcs (and my current 8 years old laptop is dying XD). So, i'm wondering if should go to asus (curse you...
  12. Tron1982

    PCSPECIALIST Could you please check this spec

    Hello, First of all, my apologies if i do some mistakes in english, it's not my mother tongue (but i know how kind you are, so i'm pretty sure that won't be a problem :D) So, a dear friend of mine have to change his laptop, that started to become a zombie. He's a writter that like to play video...