What game(s) are you currently playing or looking forward to in 2011 ?


Bright Spark
Just spotted this on GeeksAreSexy : Hawken by an indie game co. Mech warrior revamped i suppose, well have a look for yourselves.

Evil Tactician

Gold Level Poster
@Pete that's on our radar as well - we've contacted the developers to see if we can arrange a (p)review copy moving forwards, and then we can let you know what it's like.

Evil Tactician

Gold Level Poster
@Gorman - it certainly looks like it could be very, very interesting. That upcoming Mechwarrior title sort of vanished in thin air.


Superhero Level Poster
Is that the EVE FPS Gorman? Dust 514 I think its called.

My EVE charcter just celebrated his 7th birthday, so am interested in seeing how that pans out.



Author Level
It is indeed, i too have a very old Eve char, i might just have to resub for a bit and see whats changed


Bright Spark
Holy crap i would be very interested to hear how this turns out.

yeah, i'm not normally bothered with FPS games but it caught my eye. I've not done any online gaming since Halo and COD !, since then i moved on to RPG but maybe this will tempt the trigger finger back onto the mouse.


Superhero Level Poster
It is indeed, i too have a very old Eve char, i might just have to resub for a bit and see whats changed

I took a break years ago, but have been subbed ever since. I rarely actually play anymore, but I keep Rock ticking over skill training, just in case I one day return and regret not skilling him up! (It just means like 3 less pints a month...see, COMPUTER GAMES ARE GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH!)

Evil Tactician

Gold Level Poster
Hrm I've got multiple EVE accounts as well - but never really got in the swing of the game. Wanted to PvP but didn't have the skills (my character that is) or alliance to do so. Tried my hand at some militia but it got old very quickly.

Very interesting game but it lacks something that I can't quite put my finger on. The level of immersion or attachment to your 'character' is just not large enough.


Bronze Level Poster
im looking forward to playing star wars the old republic mostly and desperate for that but also looking forward to mass effect 3 and elder scrolls 5 skyrim


Bronze Level Poster
Diablo 3 is my go-to game and I wonder whether I should go for 2 or 4 cores. Don't care about anything else that much but a future-proof laptop would be good.
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Prolific Poster
Currently playing minesweeper, solitare and spider solitare oh and lemmings.

When my Shiney new PC gets sent to me it will be BC2, AC2/BH, MW2(single player only), Dead Space 1/2 and will have to check crysis out on it at some point.

Drunken Monkey

Author Level


Turok was fantastic :) love that game.

Have to say those Dino games don't appeal to me in the slightest though.

Looking forward to Diablo 3, been waiting for that for years. Wish they hadn't delayed it but it sure better be worth the wait now! It looks awesome.


Gold Level Poster
The lack of SWTOR saddens me :<

im so rolling a Sith infiltrator Assassin! :D Saber staff biatch! :D


Superhero Level Poster
I was looking at the Infiltrator too...though havent looked in ages at the classes...all I saw was stealthy sniper type!